Monday, May 19, 2014

100 miles in 20 lines: CRW Spring Century in 4 tankas (5/18/14)

Photo from CRW's album
Event: CRW Spring Century: North to New Hampshire
Ride: Northeastern MA and Southern NH.  Harold Parker Forest and beautiful stretches through Newburyport, Topsfield etc.
Mileage: 104.52 (129.41 for the day)
Actual Time: 7:01:32 - PR! (6:14:18 moving)

miles 1-27
spinning way too fast
charging hills, gunning flats, speed
without that concern
for 75 more miles 
to come. and yet, I ride ride.

miles 28-47
after miles i deflate
sipping silently upon
dark black coffee hot
rest and repose ready me
for the miles left ahead.

miles 47-78
rolling away now
slowed by oversteamed spinning
enjoying chirping
birds and vernal smells of the
merrimac and maudslay spring

miles 78-104
second wind blows on
me like snow eating chinooks.
miles thru exurbs
sail quickly underwheel.
gliding in - hot dog finish.

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